Friday, July 6, 2012


Hi everyone!  I played some amazing volleyball for 3 hours tonight!  Great workout and I felt amazing until the last 30 mins, but that was just because I was giving it my all.  I'm finally feeling that energy from the juice fast and it's great.  My trainer played with me tonight and mentioned to me that it sounds like I have a major case of candida.  I have a rash all over my fingers and really my entire body.  I feel completely inflammed and it's only getting worse.  So, what did I do you might ask?  I looked to see what Dan McDonald says about candida.  Below are the symptoms.  I highlighted the ones I have.

  • Vaginal Yeast Infection
  •  Constant fatigue
  •  Brain "fog" -hard to focus or even think straight.
  •  Oral Thrush (a white film on tongue or in the mouth)
  • Bad breath, foul taste in mouth
  •  Abdominal pain (intestinal Candida)
  •  Bloating and indigestion
  • Increasing allergies to foods (gluten or celiac problems can be a direct result of Candida overgrowth) 
  • Constant craving for something sweet!
  •  Joint pain with arthritis-like symptoms
  •  Chronic sinus drainage -which antibiotics don't help!
  •  Weight gain (or loss) and the inability to change it. ("It used to be that I couldn't eat without feeling bloated and miserable. Now I eat and eat to satisfy. I have lost 30lbs since beginning Fivelac." -Donna S)
  •  Fungus on the finger or toe-nails
  •  Itching, red eyes
  •  Candida Skin rashes on the body (eczema, atopic dermatitis)
  •  Candida Rash inside the ears or around the groin area
  •  Anal, penile or vaginal itching
  •  Hair loss
  • Vision problems
  • Depression from feeling so low and bogged down all the time.
When I saw this list I knew that I was going to have to take some major action.   A couple of things that Dan McDonald (my guru) says about candida:

a.)  Fruit does not cause candida, it is the EPIC food for energy.
b.) Sugar in the fruit that you juice will feed the healthy cells and strengthen the immune system.
C.)  Being that candida is an anaerobic bacteria/virus it thrives in a non-oxygenated environment.  Bring oxygen to your body by exercising.
         a.) If you eat enough food or juice and go outside and play vigorously and think positive thoughts, and cultivate health.
d.)  Western medicine has taught us to attack viruses, however, Dan recommends that instead of trying to kill or attack, we cultivate health, strength, energy, positive thinking, joy, creativity.  Focus on the positive qualities, you never want to try to kill or eliminate dis-ease.  You always want to cultivate and nurture your vital dynamics; your God self, your light self, your health self.  You have to honor the body!

COMMON MISCONCEPTION:  Juicing fruits causes candida, or feeds the candida.

WHAT DAN SAYS:  WIthout fruit sugars there is no cellular energy.  Fruits are the NUMBER 1 macro-nutrient component when it comes to health.  

Difference:  WHITE SUGAR has NO bio-balance.  It is just rocket fuel, or like a gasoline that just burns up, leaving everything in ash.  Fruit sugars heal and balance on a cellular level.  

Lastly, this is why I really love Dan....  we are ALL sages, and sages are intuitive. If your body is craving sugars or something sweet, give it a juice with fruit!   We are the future!  I'm going to keep learning and not depend on any doctor to tell me what to do for candida.  If I create a healthy environment for my body, mind, and spirit, dis-ease will no longer have a place to roam free!

So, my plan is to carb up in the mornings and afternoons with ginger, apple, carrot juice, then go to green vegetable juices mid day and evening.  I knew this would happen, I just have to push through it! 

Below is Dan's video....feel free to be inspired and encouraged!

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