Monday, July 9, 2012

Day 30!  Can't wait for you to view the pictures.  Below is a picture of Kara, Jessie, and I at the adoption.   That picture was taken at the end of August last year.  Then there are photos of my body at the end of week 1, and on day 29.  Crazy!  I have went down 3 pant sizes!  Not to mention I cleared out my closet and got rid of 85% of my clothing.  It was amazing!

My current update for the juice fast is that I am still experiencing major detoxing through my skin.  According to the information I have read, it is time for me to get a colonic.  This allows toxins to be eliminated through fecal matter rather than going through the skin.  It is very painful to have the toxins coming out of my skin.  I continue to have rashes everywhere, but my fingers are taking the brunt of the detoxing.  It's horrible.  The government and pharmaceutical companies have brought us to believe that any form of body discomfort is to be accompanied by a drug of some sort.  Whether it be depression, anxiety, rashes, seizures, anger....and any other unpleasant feeling.   I feel like instead of listening to our body and fixing it by offering different foods, positive thinking, and exercise, we have become dependent on medication to take away the red flags our body is sending us.  This process just causes more dis-ease and illnesses in our bodies.  Not to mention, so many people are completely tuned out from their bodies, zombies on their phones and internet, and don't forget TV.  This fast has allowed me to go INWARD and examine areas of my life that need repair and love.

               Day 7                                  Day 29   ( I should have worn the same pants.  Notice the missing fat rolls...)

            Day 7                                  Day 29  (Smaller stomach and butt)


So I fit into pants that I was wearing in 2008!  Not to mention I feel amazing.  


  1. this is so awesome and I am so happy for you! As a reward, I'd like to offer to do a mini photo session with you after you successfully complete your detox. You'll want some pretty pictures by the time you're done!

  2. Awww, Katelyn thank you so much! That is so nice of you and I will totally take you up on your offer. I am more excited than you will ever know!
