Tuesday, June 5, 2012

I decided to take the plunge into a tall glass of juice!  Heck yes, I'm about to start the process of an amazing juice fast/detox!  For those of you who know me, you know this past year has been an amazing spiritual journey for me.  Between meeting my soul family, getting my master level reiki attunement, and going to Sedona, AZ, I have been transformed in so many ways.  I recently asked my guides for help and I received a clear message from them during dream time. I was directed and guided to detox my body and my dis-ease would then be gone.  How could I ignore that?
A few nights after while visiting with friends, my neighbor popped by for a card reading.  I was mentioning my dream and she started to tell me all about juicing and rejuvelac (all natural probiotic made out of wheat berries).  Since then I have been on the hunt to figure out what type of detox would best benefit me.  I watched the documentary Sick, Fat and Nearly Dead and have read tons of material on juicing. This is going to be an exciting journey and I welcome you all to join in it with me!  My juice fast will start on Monday June 11th, and I plan on doing video updates so you can see my body transform.   See you all bright and early....  Love and Light <3  

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