Tuesday, June 5, 2012

I have started preparing rejuvelac for Monday.  I'm super excited about it and can't wait to taste it.  Angela Stokes gives a great video on how to prepare your own.  Below is some information on rejuvelac.

Rejuvelac has lactic acid which destroys harmful bacteria in the intestinal tract

Rejuvelac aids in developing a healthy strain of friendly bacteria, such as lactobacilli, saccharomyces, and aspergillus orzae, all of which are found in Rejuvelac.

Rejuvelac supplies many nutritional elements, such as vitamins, protein, carbohydrates, dextrines, caccharins, and phosphates.
"Although a beverage, Rejuvelac is actually so nutritious, it could be classified as a food by itself"
Quoted from: "Rebuild Your Health with Dr. Ann Wigmore's Living Foods Lifestyle"

Rejuvelac contains many enzymes such as Amylase which breaks down glucose, starch, and glycogens, and Aspergillus which aids in digestion.

Rejuvelac is loaded with "predigested" proteins and starches which makes the nutrients immediately available for assimilation.

Rejuvelac contains B complex vitamins that help to calm and rebuild nerves

Rejuvelac will help with constipation problems

Sounds amazing doesn't it!?  Here's a link to watch Angela Stokes prepare rejuvelac.  Yum!

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